Wizard Gallery
Lillian Katz, one of the giants of the ECE world. It’s been such an honor to learn from her and read her articles and books. After becoming a consultant I was so hooked on the Project Approach that I almost went back to the classroom, but then I got to teach graduate students to do it!
Carol Copple, Sue Bredekamp, w/Ellen Authors of NAEYC’s Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum (DAP) they are still writing, editing, and being ECE greats!
Ella Jenkins at NAEYC You Sing a Song and I’ll Sing a Song. Dubbed the First Lady of Children’s Folk Songs. Many call and response songs, and sweet harmonica playing.
2 Ellens – Ellen Galinsky and Ellen Cogan Ellen Galinsky is author of Mind in the Making, the book I recommend most. And she’s always doing wonderful things for young children and their families.
Sylvia Chard, Ellen, Lilian Katz, Diane Trister Dodge – This is probably the most wizardly picture of all. Yes, the 3 of them knew I was in the picture with them!
Ellen, Karen Nemeth, Fran Simon We’re all members of NAEYC’s EC Consultants and Authors Forum. They both do so much! An honor to be with them!
Sherrie Ruddick A Head Start and Early Head Start expert, an author of Creative Curriculum for Infants, Toddlers, & Twos, and for Family Child Care, great presenter, and wonderful shopper!
Thomas Moore w/Ellen And notice – he’s not wearing a purple shirt! Such a wonderful musician, ECE person, and, more important, friend.
Thomas Moore, Ella Jenkins, Mimi Chenfeld 3 Wizards of Music – Wonderful people, great friends, and see? Thomas IS wearing his signature purple shirt.
Kresha Warnock and Laura Mason Zeisler More ECE friends. Kresha invited me to speak at the Indiana AEYC some years ago. What a great time we all had!
Lisa Murphy w/Ellen – 2 Wizards, for sure Lisa is the Ooey Gooey lady – get her books, book her to speak. She’s taught me so much and has invited me to do podcasts for the International Play Association.
Judy Helm – one of the authors of the Project Approach. I have a pic of the 2 of us together, but this one’s newer, so she gets her own picture.
Dorthea w/Ellen Dorthea King-Simpson and I were learning at the Master Cadre Advanced Training, Latham, NY. We worked on some interest pages to go with stories during the pandemic.
Ellen w/Andrea Alexandra & Friends, NAEYC Fun Science is what they call their company. When you see them, you will come home with great stuff, for sure.
Peter Yarrow w/Ellen Yes, this is Peter from Peter, Paul, & Mary signing my Puff the Magic Dragon book at an ECE conference. I carefully read the Me Too report of 50 years ago and included this anyway.
Ellen w/Rae Pica – she’s branched out from music and movement to all sorts of wonderful ECE endeavors. Check her out!
Ellen with Valora Washington Author, major ECE speaker, author, and wonderful speaker. Happy to know her.
Rick Ellis w/Ellen Keynote and Breakout Session Westchester AEYC with Child Care Council of Westchester conference – learning with lots of laughs!
Ellen w/Calithea Steward at RIVHSA,, Atlanta Attended a great workshop by Christina Parker and Calithea Steward of Head Start Region IV
Dr. Calvin Moore, Jr w/Ellen at Region IV Early Head Start Conference, Atlanta I learned so much from his workshop!
Ellen w/RIVHSA Conference Panel – Ellen, Billy Starr, Audrey Battle, Robin Jones – Conducted a panel of 3 IPs and a fiscal guy Lots of fun and learning!
Vivian Gussin Paley at NAEYC A giant of the ECE world. Author of You Can’t Say You Can’t Play and so much more.
Nancy Pennington Alexandra w/Ellen I’m her certified groupie! Her books are wonderful, and I’ve learned so much from her. I quote her often.
Cindy Rzasa-Bess w/Ellen Author of The View from the Little Chair in the Corner, psychologist and ECE friend.
Ellen w/Bob McGrath at NYS AEYC It was such a treat to meet Bob, one of the originals from Sesame St, still supporting quality for young children
Ellen w/Maurice Sykes – one of the great ECE people from the Washington DC area, always teaching, always helping. We always say we’ll work on something together. You never know
Suzanne Gellens w/Ellen at NAEYC Attended some of her workshops and learned much from another wizard
Theadora (Ted) de Soysa Founder of a school for special ed preschoolers, she hired me to work with her some years ago, and referred me to others after that. Note the NAEYC pin on the lapel.
Tamar Jacobson w/Ellen Internationally known author who was then NAEYC Consulting Panel Editor. Enjoyed being with her at NAEYC
Ellen, Jenna Bilmes, and David Heath That was Jenna’s newest book published by Redleaf Press, publisher of many wizardly ECE books!
Barbara Kasavana w/Gary King New York ECE folks. Barbara and I go WAY back, helping each other along the way. Can’t believe in all these years we only presented together once.
Steve Spangler/w Ellen He has great science stuff. I always come home with lots for grandkids, neighbors, etc.
Ellen w Judy Helm again! So happy to see Project Approach still going strong! Join the Interest Forum!
Ellen w ProCare Penguin – NAEYC 2023. Did you know penquins are masters of napping? They nap for a few seconds hundreds of times a day
Ellen and Jorge Saenz De Viteri at NAEYC 2023 – two NYC Head Start folks have to go to Tennessee to see each other
Ellen w Holly Elissa Bruno – NAEYC 2023 – if you haven’t read Happiness is Running Through the Streets to Find You, read it!